martes, 24 de marzo de 2009

Fourth meeting of Richar´s Girls


24/ Mar / 2009
Fourth meeting of Richar´s Girls

Ricardo Solís Rol (President)
Laura Rodríguez-Estecha Bohoyo (Secretary)
Gloria Pavón Gómez (spokeswoman)
María Inmaculada Martín Rojo
Sara Muñoz Rubio


1. We will expose our topics and will comment our doubts.

2. We develop brief the subpoints of every topic. By some problems that we have had, we have decided to change one of the points (the historical economy) and to introduce an introduction and conclusion.
The final structure is:

a) Introduction. (Sara Muñoz Rubio)

We will do a brief introduction of the topic to treating.

b) Current economic situation of our region. (Laura Rodríguez-Estecha Bohoyo)

We will speak about the current situation of our region with the next points:

-Economic crisis in Spain: reasons, consequences and evolution.
-Economic situation in Extremadura:, economic crisis, economic sectors …
-Principal current markets of Estremadura.
-Possible methods to solve the economic current situation.

c) The situation of the unemployed. (María Inmaculada Martín Rojo)

In this point have:

- The evolution of the unemployment from half of last century up to the current.
- The rate of unemployment at present opposite to the economic crisis.

d) Principal economic sectors in Extremadura. (Gloria Pavón González).

We will speak about each of our sectors. Commenting on the importance of each one and his principal sources.

- Primary sector.
- Secondary sector.
- Tertiary sector.

Any pages of searching are:

- http ://

e) Tourism in Extremadura. (Ricardo Solís Rol).

We will centre especially on the rural tourism, though also we will pay attention to our culture or cities.

- Flora, fauna and climate in our region.
- Principal places of tourist interest.
- Importance of the tourism in our economy.

To look for information about these points we will possess information extracted of books or Internet as for example:


f) Conclusion. (Sara Muñoz Rubio)

We have our conclusion and opinions for ending.

3. We have a question for the teacher, to do the presentation, we expose our work or do a summary to explain in class?

4. We have fixed in two weeks the date to start exposing our works.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi!, there

    I have been having a look at the outline of your presentation and I can see you are taking it seriously, which is great news. Well done!

    On the other hand, you need to take into account that presentation time allowance for each team member is very short, therefore, you may want to narrow the scope of your presentation content or select the most interesting points. I do not know if this also answers your question because I cannot make out exactly what you want to know.

    Anyway, it would be a good idea if you came to my office as a group to discuss these issues further.

    Kind regards,

