jueves, 12 de marzo de 2009

Third meeting of Richar´s Girls


11 / Mar / 2009
Third meeting of Richar´s Girls

Ricardo Solís Rol (President)
Laura Rodríguez-Estecha Bohoyo (Secretary)
Gloria Pavón Gómez (spokeswoman)
María Inmaculada Martín Rojo
Sara Muñoz Rubio


1. We are going to decide that we are going to treat point each one more individually.
- Ricardo: Tourism in Extremadura.
- Laura: Current economic situation of our region.
- Gloria: Principal economic sectors.
- Inmaculada: The situation of the unemployed.
- Sara: Historical economic situation of Extremadura.

2. We will look for information in Internet and in books to report on the bibliography to consulting. Someone of this are:

3. We have decided that next week we will meet for fourth time to speak on the part of work that we are going to make each one, giving information on the pages and directions where we are going to realize our searches, giving more details on the points that we will treat each one inside our topic and some advance already. Definitively, to be raising clearly our work.

4. Look for the date of the next meeting. It will be next week.

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